Additional Problems

 1. The US navy has a system for communication with submarines. The system uses radio waves with a frequency of 76 Hz. What is the wvaelength of this frequency in meters? Miles?
 2. Green light has a wavelength of approximately 100 nm. What is the frequency of this light?
 3. What is the energy of one photon of the green light in problem 2 above.
 4. The most prominent line in the spectrum of mercury is found at 254 nm. Other lines are found at 365 nm, 404 nm, 435 nm and 1014 nm. Which of these lines represents the most energetic light?
 5. What is the frequency of the most prominent line in problem 4 ?
 6. What is the energy of a mole of photons of the most prominent line in problem 4?
 7 What is the color or colors of these lines?

Place the following types of radiation in order of of increasing energy per photon

a) yellow light from a sodium lamp

b) radiation froma microwave oven

c) gamma rays from a nuclear reaction

d) red light froma neon lamp

e) ultraviolet rays from a sun lamp

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C101 Class Notes
Prof. N. De Leon