Chemistry 361, Physical Chemistry

Fall 2004


Lecture: T,R  8:30-9:45 (MH 109)   

Discussion:  T 11:20-12:10 (MH 109)

Instructor: Professor N. De Leon

Office: 208, Marram

Office Hours: MWF, 11-1

Telephone: (219) 980-6742




The basic principles of physical chemistry are introduced. Focus will be on Thermodynamics although we will also pursue topics such as intra- and inter-molecular forces and their relevance to solution chemistry, spectroscopy and kinetic theory of gases. Students are expected to be familiar with algebra and introductory calculus. Chemistry prerequisites are also assumed. The textbook for the course is


Physical Chemistry, Ira N. Levine (5th Edition), McGraw-Hill


Other ancillary items such  as study guides and answer keys might be available but are not required.



Homework will be assigned on a routine basis and credit will be given.  Homework is the most important part of the course since it is at this stage where you will learn to use the principles discussed in lecture.  It is encouraged that students meet outside of class and help one another on the homework assignments.



The discussion section will be used to go over class and homework material. Students should come to these sessions armed with questions that are derived from a serious attempt to understand these materials.  It does little good for me to work out a problem during class if students have not previously attempted the problem in a serious way. Qizzes may also be given during discussion section.


Office Hours:


I am in my office a high percentage of the time. It is not hard to find me. If you have any questions at all about the course come by and ask.  You can even come to my office outside office hours, although I prefer you come during office hours.







The grade for the course will be determined by:



Three midterm exams + final + quiz,

GCG = (E1+E2+E3+2F+Q+HW)/7   


Where GCG is the "gross course grade".  Your actual course grade will usually be equal to the GCG but in cases where the GCG is on the boundary between grades your course grade may be affected by subjective criteria such as, class participation, improvement throughout the semester etc.




The single most important piece of advice is to keep up on a daily basis with the material and get help when there is something you do not understand. You will soon find yourself lost and in misery about the course if you allow yourself to  leave "loose ends" in your knowledge of the material.


Lecture Outline: (Levine, 5th Edition))



Homework problems





The First law



The Second Law



Material Equilibrium



Standard Thermo. Func. of Reactions



Reaction Equil. in ideal Gas Mixtures



Real Gases



Kinetic Theory of Gases



Transport Properties



Reaction Kinetics